Plasma diagnostics

美 [ˈplæzmə ˌdaɪəɡˈnɑːstɪkz]英 [ˈplæzmə ˌdaɪəɡˈnɒstɪkz]
  • 网络等离子体诊断;等离子体诊断学
Plasma diagnosticsPlasma diagnostics
  1. Second harmonic probe system for laser - plasma diagnostics experiment


  2. Plasma diagnostics techniques is important for controlling of high density plasma etching process .


  3. Design and measurement of quasi-optical millimeter wave system for plasma diagnostics


  4. CCD video technology , plasma diagnostics and devices of pulsed radiography


  5. Application of X-ray lasers in dense plasma diagnostics


  6. A 30 keV lithium ion source for plasma diagnostics


  7. Noise Elimination of Plasma Diagnostics with Langmuir Probe


  8. Based on this device the experimental study of plasma diagnostics and sheath propagation dynamics were made by using Langmuir probe .


  9. It was pointed out that the methods described in the article have preferential applications in plasma diagnostics under special environments .


  10. The X-ray laser is a useful tool in dense plasma diagnostics because of its short wavelength , high intensity and coherence .


  11. Traveling Wave Tube ( TWT ) is widely used in radar , communications , electronic countermeasures , remote sensing and plasma diagnostics .


  12. A Self-compensating Langmuir Probe for RF Plasma Diagnostics


  13. By means of quasi-optical method , the spatial resolving power of millimeter wave receiving system which is used in plasma diagnostics has been greatly improved .


  14. The performance and structure of a new type of MicroChannel Plate ( MCP ) and the application of MCP detectors to laser plasma diagnostics are described .


  15. This dissertation stresses the experimental studies on Z-pinch plasma diagnostics and radiation characteristic . We have finished four items of work : ( 1 ) Constructing a small-scale Z-pinch device ;


  16. Multilayer mirrors have been widely used in astronomic observations , microscopy , material sciences , synchrotron radiation applications , and plasma diagnostics , which offer a high reflectivity and good stability .


  17. Line integrated emissivity in tokamak plasma radiation diagnostics


  18. Plasma emission diagnostics for the optimization of deposition parameters in RF magnetron sputtering of GaP film


  19. In tokamak plasma radiation diagnostics , an emissivity profile derived from line integrated radiation measurement data with Abel inversion or tomographic analysis is averaged over a poloidal cross section of the plasma chord .


  20. On the base of the knowledge of Microwave ECR plasma and probe diagnostics technology , this thesis designs a newly Langmuir probe and solves the problems of the microwave leaking and vacuum seal . 2 .


  21. For the typical physics states of the laser plasma , it is difficult to obtain the plasma parameters directly . Spectroscopic diagnostics play an important role in the field of plasma diagnostics .


  22. In plasma physics linear and nonlinear ion waves are a popular subject which is not only fundamental to understand collective behavior of plasma , but also shows great importance on applications , such as plasma diagnostics and wave heating .
